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p style="text-indent:2em;">前**英雄带着家族再次展开任务!曾经拯救世界无数危机的**英雄超能先生(Mr. Incredible),却也因为他的特殊能力造成一般民众的灾害,*后被一状告上**,并以败诉收场。之后过著与一般人生活的他结婚**,转眼便过了 15年。有一天他突然收到一封神秘信件,于是他带着家人再次展开拯救世界的任务…


p style="text-indent:2em;">超人特攻队 [编辑首段]***,自由的百科全书跳转到:导航


p style="text-indent:2em;">搜寻图片参考:upload.wikimedia/***/mons/thumb/7/72/Disambig.svg/25px-Disambig.svg本文讲述的是迪士尼的电脑动画**。关于1985年拍摄的美国影集,详见「超人特攻队(电视影集)」。超人特攻队图片参考:upload.wikimedia/***/zh/thumb/e/e0/Tiposter/200px-Tiposter导演布莱德·*得监制约翰·华克编剧布莱德·*得演出奎格·尼尔逊Craig T.Nelson荷莉·杭特Holly Hunter山缪·杰克森Samuel L.Jackson杰森·李Jason Lee Eli Fucile Brad Bird Spencer Fox Wallace Shawn Jean Sincere Sarah Vowell Bud Luckey音乐 Michael Giacchino摄影 Andrew Jimenez Patrick Lin Ja Lucroy剪辑 Stephen Schaffer发行公司*伟**公司上映日期 2004年11月5日片长 115分语言英语(原声)预算 9200万美元*房国内:$261


p style="text-indent:2em;">441


p style="text-indent:2em;">092全球:$631


p style="text-indent:2em;">436


p style="text-indent:2em;">092前集海底总动员(2003)续集汽车总动员(2006) All Movie Guide资讯(英语) IMDb资讯(英语)《超人特攻队》(The Incredibles,中国大陆译名《超人总动员》,港译《超人特工队》)皮克斯动画工作室制作,迪士尼发行的第六部长篇电脑动画。本片由布莱德·*得(Brad Bird)导演,Michael Giacchino配乐,于2004年上映。目录[**] 1奖项 2故事 3发行 4配音 5外部连结 [编辑]奖项 2005年获第77届奥斯卡*佳动画片奖。 [编辑]故事『超能先生』(Mr. Incredibles)跟『弹力女超人』(Elastigirl)恋爱结婚后,因故被迫退休且**超能力,过著平常人的生活。育有三个子女-小倩(Violet)、小飞(Dash)和小杰(Jack-Jack),他们也都遗传了不同的超能力。生活平凡的超能先生,退休多年却面临着「中年危机」,一心只想着能继续行侠仗义,并和好朋友『酷冰侠』(Frozone)偷偷去救人。直到被卷进大坏蛋辛**(Syndrome)策划的阴谋中,超能先生再度面临考验。在拯救世界的同时,拥有不同超能力的超人家庭要如何团结抗敌,并解决各自的烦恼。 [编辑]发行台湾,于2004年上映。中国香港,于2005年上映。中国,于2005年上映。双碟版DVD由*伟在台湾发行,中录德加拉在中国大陆发行。 [编辑]配音人物英文配音台湾中国大陆中国香港超能先生奎格·尼尔逊王伟忠姜文吴镇宇弹力女超人荷莉·杭特徐熙媛徐帆郭蔼明巴小倩 Sarah Vowell林芳雪郑融巴小飞 Spencer Fox酷冰侠山缪·杰克森陈建州衣夫人布莱德·*得蔡康永陈佩斯葛民辉辛**杰森·李郭子干郑中基幻影 Elizabeth Peña徐熙娣


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【超人一家】 1.超能先生——帕波(Bob Parr)鲍勃曾经是这个世界上*伟大的超人特工,一提起他的大号“超能先生”,当年简直无人不晓。告别了惩恶扬善的生活15年后,中年鲍勃和家人已经拥有了平民身份,搬到郊区过起了平淡的普通生活。现在,鲍勃是一名保险公司理赔员,每天朝九晚五闲*无聊,优裕的生活更使他大腹便便。鲍勃多么渴望重温以前那种出生入死的超人生活啊。这一天,鲍勃偶然接到一个秘密任务,他认为自己重出江湖的时候到了,他的超人才能终于又派上了用场,可是昔日的英雄已经变成了“狗熊”:头发秃了,肚子大了,裤子紧了,皮带怎么也扣不上了……在**中,“超能先生”的超能力*突出表现在力大无穷,且不说他能轻而易举双手托起汽车,他连锻炼臂力都用的是两节火车! 2.弹力女超人——海伦(Helen Parr)片中的弹力女超人可谓是人们心目中*理想女*的梦幻化身:她能文能武,能里能外。作为全职主妇,弹力女超人可谓是贤淑良惠,从管教老大老二的言行到喂小儿子吃饭,她完全卸下超人的角色,变身成为*尽责的母亲。更难能可贵的是弹力女超人在兼顾自己幸福美满的家庭的同时还要承担拯救世界的责任。在**中,弹力女超人的超能力表现在拥有弹**佳的身体,四肢可以无限伸展,简直媲美“橡皮人”,她那无所不能的身体给观众带来许多惊喜,让人不得不佩服皮克斯的想像力。 3.“金钟罩”、“隐身人”——巴小丽/巴小倩(Violet Parr) Violet是超能先生和太太的大女儿,刚上中学,正值情窦初开的年龄,暗恋着英俊男生。在全家齐上阵拯救世界的过程中, Violet也在走向成*,起到了一个老大在家中所应起的作用。巴小倩在刚开始的时候,对于自己的超能力也是一知半解,妈妈想叫她制造力场来保护飞机,可是她却连一个小泡泡也制造不出。**功能被她用来偷看英俊的男生,却在危险之余不能控制,她的命运会怎么样呢? Violet的超能力是能够制造力场,能刀枪不入,颇像中国武侠**中的“金钟罩,铁布衫”的决门功夫。她的隐身功能是辅助功能,在于敌人战斗的时候经常发挥不出作用,所以在危难时刻只能用力场保护自己,保护家人。 4.“水上飞”、“飞毛腿”—巴小冲/巴小飞(Dash Parr) Dash是超能先生和太太的二儿子,是个机灵、调皮的孩子。他拥有超能力就像外号一样,跑起来快得像一阵风,甚至能在水上健步如飞,在片中*精彩的段落之一就是反派的喽罗们驾着飞船追赶巴小飞的那场戏,堪称经典。 5.积仔/小杰(Jack Jack) Jack Jack是超能先生刚出生不久的小儿子,大家开始都以为他没有超能力,但其实呢?***后给了我们一个非常有趣和惊喜的答案。【其他人物】 1.超劲先生——巴迪(buddy pine)超劲先生是**中*大的反派,这个从小狂热崇拜超人的小子长大以后却成为超人们*大的敌人,妄想消灭所有超人,独霸世界,当然*后的结局不难想像。他本身没有超能力,为了除掉超能一家,以及所有超人,他**了许多功能的武器,比如脚上的“飞鞋”;激光束,可以瞬间控制敌人;扫描仪,可以自主飞行扫描区域内的生命迹象,可是却无法渗透物体觉察,还有飞碟、“蜘蛛”机器人,都是他的**之作。 2.E夫人\衣夫人(Edna Mode)衣夫人是“超人”们的总服装设计师,为“超能先生”一家五口设计了符合各自特点的超酷“超人衣”。这位个子矮矮、带着黑眶眼镜,长像**,嗓音怪怪的老太太,实在是全片*搞笑的角色,她虽然出场不多,但给人印象深刻,尤其是不少台词都堪称经典。 3.酷冰侠/冰条侠(Frozone)也是一位“超人”,“超能先生”一家*好的朋友。他的超能力是能在瞬间将水凝固成冰,也能用收制造出冰,冻住敌人,可是冰可是易碎的,在打机器人的时候只能辅助超能一家。或者帮助逃跑,就是用手制造冰,铺成冰区,在地上快速滑动。可是这些超能力的前提,就是必须**刻刻喝水,补充体内的水分。 4.幻影——夏娃(Mirage)夏娃是一位美丽、**,并且充满神秘感的**,她身材苗条,还有一头银色光亮的长发,很吸引人。她自称为某个政府秘密工作,而实际上是超劲先生(Syndrome)的私人助理,而且是**……通过她的智慧,帮助超劲先生寻找到了绝大多数的超人,而这些超人不幸被终结生命……后来,她终于找到了超劲先生的终*目标:超能先生,并和超能先生多次接触,引他来超劲先生的基地……但时候来一个偶然的事情,让他明白超劲先生对自己只是“身外之物”,她也终于认识到真正勇敢的人是超能先生,并帮助他救出他们一家。



"Supers"—humans gifted with superpowers—help fight crime and are idolized by the public. On his way to marry Helen(also known as Elastigirl), Bob Parr, better known as Mr. Incredible, saves a suicidal man, and inadvertently causes a monorail to be damaged when saving his intrusive biggest fan, Buddy Pine, from being defeated by criminal Bomb Voyage. After marrying Helen, countless lawsuits filed against Mr. Incredible and the other Supers for collateral damage and civil unrest from their good deeds results in the creation of a relocation program, forcing the Supers to fit in among the civilians without using their superpowers.

Fifteen years later, Bob and Helen have three children– Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack. Longing for the glory days while stuck in a white-collar job, Bob and his old friend Lucius Best, formerly Frozone, perform vigilante work. One day, Bob loses his temper when his supervisor refuses to let him stop a robbery, causing him to lose his job. Returning home, Bob finds a message from a woman named Mirage, who convinces him to become Mr. Incredible again, and a mission to destroy a malfunctioning robot called the Omnidroid. Arriving on Nomanisan Island, Bob is able to trick the robot to rip out its own power source, and he is rewarded big.

After returning from Nomanisan, Bob forms a better relationship with his family and undergoes rigorous training. Discovering a tear in his suit, Bob visits superhero costume designer Edna Mode who decides to make him and his whole family suits. Leaving for Nomanisan once again, Bob discovers that Mirage is working for Buddy, now an amoral super villain called Syndrome. He intends on using the ultimate Omnidroid as a puppet to become a hero himself, and then sell his inventions to the public so everyone will become"super", a term which no one will be. Bob sneaks into Syndrome's base, finding a big-screen computer where he uses the password"Kronos" left by a dead Super- Gazerbeam. He discovers Syndrome murdered countless retired superheroes with previous Omnidroid prototypes. Meanwhile, Helen visits Edna, finds out what Bob has been dealing with, and activates a homing beacon to find him, inadvertently causing Bob to be captured.

Helen borrows a jet to head for the island, but finds Violet and Dash have stowed away wearing their own costumes, leaving Jack-Jack in the care of a teenage babysitter. Syndrome picks up Helen’s radio transmissions then destroys the jet, but Helen along with the children survive then make it to the island, though Bob thinks that they are dead. Helen ventures off to the base to find Bob, discovering Syndrome's intentions to launch the Omnidroid to Municiberg in a rocket. Later, Mirage, annoyed with Syndrome's selfishness, releases Bob and informs him that his family is alive. Before Helen ***ears and races off with Bob to find the children when they are spotted by security. Dash and Violet use their powers to escape their captors and are joined by their parents, only to be captured by Syndrome, who then heads off to initiate his plan.

The Parrs escape with Violet's help and through some quick-thinking, use a security van and a rocket booster to pursue Syndrome. In Municiberg, the Omnidroid grows intelligent enough to destroy the remote that allows Syndrome to control it, knocking him unconscious and rampaging through the city. The Parrs and Lucius team up to fight the robot, until Bob uses Syndrome's remote control and one of the Omnidroid’s detached pincers to make it tear its power source out, destroying it. Returning home, the Parrs find Syndrome has Jack-Jack and intends on raising him as his own sidekick to seek revenge on the family, only for Jack-Jack’s own superpowers to materialize. Helen rescues Jack-Jack, and Bob kills Syndrome by throwing his car at his jet, causing Syndrome’s cape to get caught in the turbines, and pulling him in.

Three months later, the Parrs have readjusted to normal life, but the city is attacked by a villain called the Underminer. The family dons their superhero outfits, preparing to face the new threat.

“超能先生”(Mr. Incredibles)跟“弹力女超人”(Elastigirl)恋爱结婚后,被之前获超能先生拯救的市民控告,指超能先生侵犯他**的权利及令他身体受到伤害,其后有越来越多的市民控告所有的超人,政府为平息**,要求所有超人退休且**超能力,过著平常人的生活。育有三个子女-小倩(Violet)、小飞(Dash)和小杰(Jack-Jack),他们也都遗传了不同的超能力。生活平凡的超能先生,退休多年却面临着“中年危机”,一心只想着能继续行侠仗义,并和好朋友“酷冰侠”(Frozone)偷偷去救人。直到被卷进大坏蛋超劲先生(Syndrome)策划的阴谋中,超能先生再度面临考验。在拯救世界的同时,拥有不同超能力的超人家庭要如何团结抗敌,并解决各自的烦恼。